Why Two Mums Sleep Co?

We never want you to feel like you can’t respond to your baby. Being young mums ourselves we know how it feels to listen to your baby cry. It’s heartbreaking. We never want you to feel like you can’t snuggle your baby.

The Two Mums Sleep approach is very hands on and responsive. Your intuition will always trump anything we have to say. We promise to always listen to your concerns and adapt our approach accordingly 💖

Our hearts are with you every step of the way. We cherish you and your baby and we have been where you are. We know how imperative it is to have guidance that allows you to be gentle.

With the Two Mums Sleep approach you will be in control of the amount of support you want to offer your baby. We are guided by you and your baby. Here to walk you through the journey, we will honour and respect you on every level. 💞

Your baby has just spent 9 months in your tummy, you are their safe place, you are their home. We know that you baby needs to feel safe to fall asleep.

With our motherly instincts we incorporate a loving & nurturing approach to sleep support. Your bub will always feel cared for and protected by having you by their side the entire time. 💓

Take the first step and book a free 15 min chat with us today!